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Etherical Cord Cutting

These connections enable us to bond with each other and can be positive or negative.

  • 1 hour
  • Donation
  • Spirit + Soul Studio Location

Service Description

The etheric cords are an extension of our energy bodies. They are energy structures that connect us to others. They are also known as energy cords, ribbons, and ethereal cords. It is that part of our energy bodies that enables us to make a connection with others. Etheric cords are necessary to feel connected and bond with others. This connection can be a result of love and trust, but at the same time, it can also be the result of hate and fear. We are born with etheric cords. They connect our energy bodies to other people, animals, places, and objects. Etheric cords are the means through which we interact with each other. It is that connection that enables us to know if a person likes or dislikes us. It is formed with anyone at any time. Even the most general and tiny interaction can lead to the formation of an ethereal cord. The energy connections instill feelings of love, empathy, and sympathy. It also instills negative emotions of fear, hate, and anger. How Do Etheric Cords Get Created? As soon as we are born, we get attached to etheric cords. As a baby, the first etheric cords that we get attached to are those of our parents. These energy connections get created when we think about something. It can also get created when we talk about something or someone. This means etheric cord connections get created when we focus on something. Mostly etheric cord connections attach with our solar plexus chakra. This chakra signifies personal growth and vitality of life. The solar plexus chakra is located on our upper abdomen. When our etheric cord connections become strong, it can shift its location to the third eye and heart chakras. In the same way, a deteriorating connection can come back to the abdomen area. Unhealthy cords are bad for a person. They take away the good and uplifting energy one felt before. But one great thing about etheric connections is that they are not permanent. Negative etheric connections can change to a positive one with some effort. This is only possible if two people in the relationship make an effort to work on their relationship and connection. When it comes to unhealthy and toxic relationships, it is best to cut the etheric connection.

Contact Details

  • 5N953 State Rte 31, St. Charles, IL 60175, USA


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